Thursday, December 31, 2009

End of. Beginning of. Wee.

How was your 2009? Was it fun? Was it full of progress? Was it awesome?

I'm sitting in IL on a couch, watching Modern Warfare 2 being played, going through my Google Reader. I come across a quote from James Joyce:

Mistakes are the portals of discovery.

And so I think, yeah. It's a celebration of making it through another year. I didn't die! Hooray! And since you're reading this, I know I can congratulate you on that too! Good job! We made it!

We can laugh at that, but it's a good accomplishment. We live and breathe and think and contribute to the lives of other people around us. We matter even though we kill the planet and destroy species and allow genocides to occur and let negative things get us down. We matter because we're awesome. And we're working to spread that awesome. So even if you're alone on the last day of this year, celebrate with yourself. Celebrate yourself. You're alive and that's awesome.

And perhaps consider the quote of Mr. Joyce to be advice. Discover something new today. Discover something in yourself, about yourself, for yourself. Even if it ends up being a "mistake," it will have been an experience and we can always learn from those. Good luck tonight in all of your endeavors.


Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Today was sort of full. I had a lot of things I had to do. I got them done. Tomorrow I probably won't put up anything because it's new year's eve and people totally care about it so I'll be busy trying to make it fun for them. Or I'll be genuinely having fun. Or I'll be on here and complaining about how it's boring for me. Suspenseful!

Tomorrow will be busy. I'll be on a train to Chicago. Today's awesome, though, is that I got a lot of things done and I'm tired enough to go to bed sort of soon (which is good since I need to get up super early to make it to the train). Hooray for appropriate feelings and accomplishments!

How was your day?

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

In love.

Someone tweeted that they really loved Shakespeare in Love and they thought it was so great and amazing and all that. And I'm like, isn't that a chick flick? I'm not saying that guys can't like chick flicks or that they shouldn't blah blah blah, but it's not something I see very often. I felt like watching a movie so I checked to see if it could stream on Netflix(which is super, btw) and it could. So I watched it.

I love it. I want it. I must own this movie so that I may excessively watch it. In the meantime, though, I will bury myself in my books of Shakespeare that I have left closed for far too long. I do miss them. As though the words of Shakespeare needed any more romance, he was played by Joseph Fiennes. And really, have you seen his eyebrows? Gah. Just gah.

I love literature and writing and reading and well phrased sentences and pretty words. Oy.


Anyway, Shakespeare in Love is awesome. Go watch it or something.


Monday, December 28, 2009

Yay comics!

Someone posted on twitter that their comic made a top ten. I don't remember which it was, but no matter because the list is one I actually like. I love completely two of them, two I've read and really liked, one I don't read all that often but like and the rest I hadn't heard of. =D Just a count in case you were interested.

"The Best Webcomics of 2009"

Thinking about those comics is enough awesome for my lifetime. Probably.


I'm terrible at this.

Hello. How was your winter celebrations? Mine were surprisingly pleasant.

I don't know what I've been doing lately to not be able to put anything at all here. It seems almost lazy, really. It doesn't matter the amount of people that read this, though the number is greater when counting those that don't read it. But whatever, doesn't matter. The point of this is to keep things positive and try to spread that positive.

I have two things to share that are awesome and one thing that is not awesome. The thing that is not awesome is a ring thinger that is used to hold tight fabric you are embroidering. It was apparently rusty but I did not discover that until after I had stitched a bunch. Hopefully I can get the rust out of the nice white fabric.

Awesome thing one: Harry and the Potters
Their myspace
Official site
Yay for wizard rock. They'll definitely not be the last group I link. They're fun, they have nice glasses and they talk about the ice cream man. Seriously? Seriously.

Awesome thing two: Unicorn Poop cake
There was leftover batter in the house that people didn't want to go to waste so I volunteered to make use of it. I had the idea of a small double layer cake with cute little dollops(gobs? bits? swirly-dos?) of pink frosting on the top. It didn't work out as I planned (mismarked food coloring, poorly decorated, yeah) and I decided that it looked like unicorn poop (being purple and in the shape of poop). Some may contest that unicorns actually poop rainbows, but I don't think it matters. Here's a picture of it: the super yummy and rare unicorn poop cake!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Peter Jackson and Digg Dialogg


I'm watching it. So exciting. Aaahhhhh. Makes me want to do something spectacular. Aaaahhh.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Heh. Oops. Guess we're not counting anymore. =3

So I got a new computer and I had a hard time with passwords. And I forgot to make time for this. Then I flat out forgot about this all together. I'm super sorry to this project because it deserves my dedication. And lets be honest, I'm on the computer enough to remember to do one post a day. Not difficult.

How do I approach this discrepancy? Is that the right word? Discrepancy? I don't know. Redo: How do I approach this lapse in self-discipline? By upping the requirements of course. That's how a teacher gets a student to learn when he/she is having a hard time: extra homework for better understanding. I think.

So what I'm going to do is give at least one awesome item/link per day along with a post about my day/self-development. Here's a post I saved on the 9th so I could post something straight off once my password was found. And I found it! So here it is:

I meant to update this thing, like, forever ago. So much for self discipline. I was going to update this at about 3 am on Thursday, but I couldn't remember my password and since I'm on my new laptop, I couldn't look it up in Firefox's handy password saving thinger. Yeah. So instead of saying why my day was awesome, which it sort of was, but mostly was average (except that I actually sort of accomplished a bit in the realm of cleaning and communication which was awesome), I'm going to point to something that is awesome.

It's mostly clips of Mitchell Davis but they may also include his best friend Kyle. Regardless of who is in the videos, they're usually very entertaining and inspiring.

And when you can't figure out what to do in life except to try to decide in what field to be awesome, what do you do? You live off of inspiration.

What inspires you?


Have a nice night and see you tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Day Four

Fail cupcakes. The stupid paper liner/cup/things I used were crappy so a whole tray of itty bitty cupcakes was lost. I even added blue, pink, and green coloring(separately) to the batter so they were pretty.

Fail frosting. I followed directions completely. The only thing I can think of that I did wrong would be that I didn't cook the first step long enough even though the mix was the correct consistency. Oh well. I decided that instead of sending my friends semi-suck cupcakes, I'll just be lame and go buy some mix and frosting so that it's sure to not be screwed up instead of working from scratch. Or I could just buy frosting to put on the cute ones that didn't suck. Or I could just find another frosting recipe. It would be a better idea. Less wasteful sort of.

The awesomeness of the day came in the form of an epiphany. I was thinking about what classes I am going to take for this upcoming semester(often called winter semester, but some say spring). I want to be able to travel whenever I want or to be in a spot with lots of resources. ["Resources" will be explained in a later post, but in general I mean that I want to be in a place that isn't 20 minutes from everywhere, a place that has people, a place that has theatre and music and opportunity.] That means either taking a class in a school that I fall in love with or a class taken online. But in order to take a class, I need money and in order to get money I need a job. What kind of job can I get without grounding myself and hating life for a little while? (cue sparkly, twinkly revelation music)


What could I freelance as? I haven't been to school to have the qualifications that lots of people require (not hating on that notion, it's understandable to want people with experience) and I haven't picked one thing toward which I would devote my time and energy. So I'm not "the best" at any one thing. I know "it's never too late" but the frustration is still there and enough to form a huge fence of procrastination to prevent me from picking something. That and I want to do so many things that I have a hard time choosing just one thing. Baby steps are still progress, though. So I must pick one thing and devote myself to it. Seems easy enough, mostly requiring discipline to follow through. Which is not easy.

Just to recap, in case it was sort of vague, the awesome of today was the realization of what I can do that would satisfy my monetary and traveling needs. That and not letting my day be ruined by fail frosting. =3

How was your day?

Monday, November 23, 2009

Days One through Three

Day One:
The first day of this project was magnificent. My new camera was delivered. I found a cheap set of rings that were exactly for what I had been searching for months (they were only $4 else I'd have gotten them from etsy ) and I got an awesome hat that I'm told makes me look like a train conductor person thing, but I don't care. It's awesome and I put my triforce pin on it so now it's even more awesome.

Purchases aside(mostly), I was feeling amazing. For some reason, my mood was not low and my mind was active with progressive thoughts. Then, at Border's, I found a magazine called Bust, "For women with something to get off their chests." How spectacular. I sat down with tea in a corner of the store and read through the first few pages of content. It was dripping with so much awesome that I had to buy it so that I could reference it for future awesome doses. For a while, I wasn't buying magazines for the trees, but I decided that inspiration will take me farther than not buying the magazine and I can make up for it in other ways(buying organic, planting trees, walking places, carpooling, and others).

Perhaps I didn't get a lot done in the way of cleaning or homework accomplishment, but I felt great for the majority of the day. It's not necessary to do everything all day everyday. And today? A day without much "valid" accomplishment? Today was awesome.

Day Two:
This day started out with a mediocre mood. I did the lots of laundry and organization that were necessary. Since I woke up late, these tasks, along with updating and cleaning my computer, took up most of my day. When evening rolled around, I got online for a dose of awesome. The vlogbrothers and ipower videos increased the awesome of the day. I was inspired and wanted to do awesome.

I already had the idea for this site but I didn't think that I needed to make my own because:
1. everyone and their brother has a site, why would my thoughts be valid enough to document?
2. there is already a lot of awesome on the internet, I wouldn't want to be redundant.
3. there is already a lot of awesome on the internet.
But then I thought, with the help of the inspirational videos, those awesome things exist because people contribute. I love the awesome, I live off of the awesome; I should give back somehow, even if it is in a very small way that will often come in posts of three and late. So here it is and I hope I can post daily, but realistically, I won't have the time, internet access or discipline. However, I won't give up, and if I can keep it up for a month to only decide it's not awesome enough, then maybe I'll knock it off. Until that decision or month is up, here's how today was.

Day Three:
I was in town and had some fun with my new camera. I blow dried my hair after the shower so it was super huge, like Harry Potter book one Hermione huge. Totally awesome. I wore my hat too so it was even more awesome. After town, I finished reading Bust and wrote down a slew of things to investigate. I will spout off about Bust another time. For now just know that it is an amazing magazine for women(growing girls, teenage girls, females in general) and I'm going to buy another copy or two to give to my friend(s). So today ended up being awesome. In the last two of the twenty four hours, one thought provoking magazine made the entire day super amazing instead of just amazing (and made up for yesterday's somewhat crappy start). That event suggests that it's never too late for a day to be awesome. And why limit that concept to a day? Why not expand to people and lives and mindsets?

How was your day?