Thursday, December 31, 2009

End of. Beginning of. Wee.

How was your 2009? Was it fun? Was it full of progress? Was it awesome?

I'm sitting in IL on a couch, watching Modern Warfare 2 being played, going through my Google Reader. I come across a quote from James Joyce:

Mistakes are the portals of discovery.

And so I think, yeah. It's a celebration of making it through another year. I didn't die! Hooray! And since you're reading this, I know I can congratulate you on that too! Good job! We made it!

We can laugh at that, but it's a good accomplishment. We live and breathe and think and contribute to the lives of other people around us. We matter even though we kill the planet and destroy species and allow genocides to occur and let negative things get us down. We matter because we're awesome. And we're working to spread that awesome. So even if you're alone on the last day of this year, celebrate with yourself. Celebrate yourself. You're alive and that's awesome.

And perhaps consider the quote of Mr. Joyce to be advice. Discover something new today. Discover something in yourself, about yourself, for yourself. Even if it ends up being a "mistake," it will have been an experience and we can always learn from those. Good luck tonight in all of your endeavors.


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