Saturday, January 2, 2010

Felix. Felicis. Makes me feel invinsible.

(from Harry and the Potters, as previously mentioned)

How did your 2010 start? Mine started out kind of boring but it went quite well. Fun, games, etc. I'm not sure what to share for today that was awesome. How about the cold weather? Sure.

Is it cold where you are? It is definitely cold where I am and it's annoying. Fortunately, though, I am able to wear layers of clothing or turn up the heat in the house. Not everyone can do that. That's not awesome. What do we do about it? Donate money to a charity? Give more to thrift stores? Give your time to some homeless shelters? But that doesn't help everyone. True, but it helps a little bit.

I suppose the awesomeness for today is to try. Try to help others. Hold the door open a few extra seconds for the cold person behind you. Research assistance for people in your area. Or you could view the situation as you not being able to help others until you've improved yourself. If that is the case, then perhaps work extra hard on yourself. Spread love. Smile more. Don't give up, and as always, don't forget to be awesome.


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