Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I found That Luke Person via Design for Mankind.

I'm not sure. I'm not feeling huge vibes of inspiration from the pieces but they're neat and interesting. Are "neat" and "interesting" synonymous? Meh. No matter. Point is that people make awesome things with daily doodles. I just had to retype that word three times because I kept putting a b in (ex: doobles, doodbels). So I need to doodle/dooble more often. One a day at least. To improve and create a habit of drawing all the time instead of letting other things get in the way.

Do you let things get in the way of what you love doing? Knock that off, man. Freal.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Brrrr Explained.

I haven't posted for a few reasons that I will spare you, but I will truthfully claim to have been busy enough to forget about finding something awesome. That and I had to go home from a place of awesome. /pout

But explaining the post from the seventh:

It was super cold and we walked through Chicago a small bit to get to the Art Institute of Chicago. It was cold and I had forgotten my winter hat and gloves, so I had just my fingerless gloves and scarf. It was windy and cold and slushy and a bit slippery and cold. It was cold. Point made. Moving on. Cold.

We got to the museum in time for the free hours on Thursday, 5-8. Lots of people were there. It was my first time there so I can't compare the attendance rate to other hours with paying visitors. I would go back during non-free hours and pay $18(or $12 for students) a person to wander about in that glorious piece of building. It was awesome. It was so amazing. We wandered around for the entire three hours, even after trudging through cold, slick Chicago for a little while. If we hadn't been so tired, and if the place hadn't been closing, we probably could have gone all night. You know what, yes, I would live in there. I would live there. Seriously. Can I? Pwease?

I'm trying to think of my favorite sections of the place to spout off about, but they were all so spectacular (the ones we had time to get to) that I don't even know where to begin, much less which to pick. I really liked the Egyptian exhibit, but we didn't look at that for too long. I was way into ancient Egypt when I was in elementary (and continued to, well, apparently today still but without the researching xD). It was so neat to finally see what I had studied forever ago in a case right in front of me. I suppose that was my favorite in the sense of tradition, but I really liked the sculptures.

There was a section labeled "Neoclassicism" and it had my favorite statues. There was one that I can't remember the name of that was a marble bust of a lady in a sheer gown(?) and crown. I think the name started with an H but I can't remember and can't find it in my notes for some reason. ---Nevermind, I found it! Ginevra! By Samuel Rodgers! Yay! I'll add a photo later.

I went to go straighten my sister's hair and I forgot where I was in this line of thought. Meh. Anyway, it's just a really awesome place and I hope to go back there as soon as possible. I recommend that you visit there if you get the chance. It's awesome. It gives you so much to think about as you wander and look at the great pieces. It's amazing. Woo. /cheer

Have you been to a museum that made you want to move in and sleep on the benches?

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Awesome! Go seeeeee it! Love it all. All. Yes.

Tired now.


Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Is it still an epiphany if you have it, forget about it then have it again? Is there another word for that?

The awesome of today is JB Dazen's Moment of Clarity video. He explains that he started doing his videos and things for other people, to entertain or impress them, and he stopped liking what he was doing. He wasn't happy. Therefore, he's going to start doing things for him again, but he says it in a way I much prefer.

So go watch it. Rate it. Comment. Subscribe to him. He's pretty awesome and provides me with motivation. Woo.

Do you find yourself doing things to simply entertain people? Where's the line between having fun entertaining people and just entertaining people?

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Amanda Palmer

Lyrics talk about being a part of the music continuum and this difficult world. Contributing by entertaining people and doing what she wants without having a job she hates.


Guess she's another person I need learn more about. I made that today's post because it made me want to get up and do things. Do things because I want to and love them. And that's awesome. I want to be able to channel that and use it when I need it. Actually, I did that earlier today. I was super stressed and overwhelmed so I stopped, listened to music and breathed for about 15 minutes. I felt better and tackled my problem without being stressed again. Being able to do that makes me feel awesome. And I want to help other people do that too. That basically reiterates the idea of spreading awesome and stopping world suck like Nerdfighteria. I like it and think it's really awesome. Just in case you missed that part.

What makes you want to get up and do things? Is it a song? A video? A simple idea?

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Felix. Felicis. Makes me feel invinsible.

(from Harry and the Potters, as previously mentioned)

How did your 2010 start? Mine started out kind of boring but it went quite well. Fun, games, etc. I'm not sure what to share for today that was awesome. How about the cold weather? Sure.

Is it cold where you are? It is definitely cold where I am and it's annoying. Fortunately, though, I am able to wear layers of clothing or turn up the heat in the house. Not everyone can do that. That's not awesome. What do we do about it? Donate money to a charity? Give more to thrift stores? Give your time to some homeless shelters? But that doesn't help everyone. True, but it helps a little bit.

I suppose the awesomeness for today is to try. Try to help others. Hold the door open a few extra seconds for the cold person behind you. Research assistance for people in your area. Or you could view the situation as you not being able to help others until you've improved yourself. If that is the case, then perhaps work extra hard on yourself. Spread love. Smile more. Don't give up, and as always, don't forget to be awesome.
